I Passed the Math Core Praxis Exam!
Sorry for the lapse in posts, guys. I gave myself until the end of October to study for and pass the last Praxis exam that I needed to apply for student teaching, which meant that I had to buckle down and start studying. I stopped exercising, blogging, and didn’t even post that much on social media. BUT, it was worth it. I took the test on the 29th and PASSED! There was much celebration, which can be best expressed in gif form:

So much weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I’m excited to have the rest of the year to hang out with my baby girl during the day and get back to focusing on self-care before I start up work again. I should hear about my student teaching assignment this week and will send off the application as soon as I confirm that the state has my new, PASSING, exam scores. Exciting times ahead!
PS: I will take any suggestions on how to accomplish runs with a 1.5 year old now that there is snow on the ground…