Self-Care: Week 2
I don’t know what happened this week, guys. The week started off so well. We had a long weekend, I spent lots of time with my family, I was feeling pumped, and then Tuesday came and I just … drooped. I still did my running and my yoga, but I just wasn’t feeling it. I don’t know. Hopefully it was just a bad week. Bad weeks happen. Bad weeks are ok. I just have to make sure that I don’t totally bum myself out. Self-care is important. I will not be defeated. Not this early, anyway.
Let’s recap.

Running Talk
This week’s runs were good. Well, I mean, for me. My legs stopped feeling sore too, so that can’t be bad! I was still slow, but I got to do one run without the jogging stroller on Monday, and that was such a motivation booster! (For that day…) Despite the actual facts saying that I’m basically the same speed with or without the jogger, it felt like I wasn’t quite as slow, and that helped encourage me to keep going throughout the rest of the week. It’s funny what one run with a friend can do for a person.
Shout-out to Sarah! She and I spent the whole run talking and it really did wonders for taking my mind off of the actual running, ha. If you can find a running buddy, do it; having someone to run with helps so much!
Running Details:
Stats: 2.3 miles (M) @ 12.46 per mile | 2.5 miles (W) @ 12.41 per mile | 2.4 miles (F) @ 12.43 per mile
Pandora Stations: No Doubt and Spice Girls. My daughter really likes the Spice Girls. (win!)
Charity Donated to: Autism Speaks (via Charity Miles app)
Yoga Talk

While it was good that I finally found my yoga mat AND bought myself a yoga block, this week’s yoga practice was tough. The above picture is accurate. Overall, I missed some days and my body just wasn’t feeling it. I even did a session in the waiting room while my sons were in speech and OT, but the floor hurt my knees and that made me feel old. I still tried though, but my hips are really weak and it showed. I spent a good portion of the week falling down, which didn’t help my mood. The immense sense of accomplishment I felt last week was completely gone this week. I guess I don’t like “failing” at things. But I still mostly did it, so did I really fail?
FitBit Stats for the Week:
- Monday: 14,684 steps | ? active minutes (my FitBit says 0, but…no?)
- Tuesday: 9,388 steps | 0 active minutes (I believe it)
- Wednesday: 17,075 steps | 75 active minutes
- Thursday: 13,268 steps | 35 active minutes
- Friday: 16,407 steps | 49 active minutes
Ta-ta until next week, when I share some of my tips for beginning runners.