Sunday Lately: Cherishing, Applauding, Singing
For this week’s Sunday Lately, I’m focusing on “Cherishing”, “Applauding”, and “Singing”. If you want to participate, head on over to Wild & Wanderful for the link up info.

Lately, I’ve been cherishing all of the time I’ve been able to spend with my family. My husband took all of last week off, and the kids and I have been out of school, so we’ve been able to spend a lot of time together. We’ve watched movies, gone shopping, gone bowling, and the boys have spent every weekend skiing. (I tried to go skiing a couple of times, but it didn’t work out – once the rental line was too long and Hillberg ski area was closed the other time we went.) It’s been such a nice change of pace from my busy work schedule, and it was well timed for sure. I really needed this break. School is back in session tomorrow and I’m not (emotionally) ready!
We’ve been applauding my eldest while he dances along with his Just Dance games. We got the kids a Wii for Christmas and it came with a 3 or so Just Dance games. Additionally, my mom got him Just Dance 2018 for our Xbox One, so he is all set. He loves dancing so much that I think I’m going to need to look into dance lessons for him. He memorizes the moves and can even do them without the game!
I’m still singing along with the radio in the car, but the news here is that my daughter doesn’t yell at me to stop anymore. (Ha!) She used to yell at me if I started singing, saying that she couldn’t hear the radio. Two year olds are super fun…
That’s me. What have you guys been up to?
We have a WiiU and I’ve been begging my husband to get some Just Dance games! I think my 6 year old would absolutely love them. And maybe I would too… 🙂
Just Dance is a huge favorite in our house too. But we just do the app version that you can get with the Apple TV / Apple products. I love boys who dance!
I totally admit, I love Just Dance myself! 🙂
No shame; me too. It’s such a fun workout!
All of the family time sounds like a blast! I’ve never been brave enough to try Just Dance but enjoy watching others!
You should do it! The awkwardness is just part of the fun!