Sunday Lately / Weekly Update
Sunday Lately is a weekly blog series hosted by social media group Blogger Tribe, that provides bloggers with prompts to write about. (Prompts will be in blue italics.) I love these little time capsules!
Note: My pictures almost never go along with the prompts. I use these posts as a photo dump.

I have finished my work in pursuing my master’s degree, and am just waiting for my diploma to come in the mail. It’s a great feeling to be done, but I’m not quite a teacher yet. I still have to take a couple of tests to get my certification in Arizona, and then apply for licensing in Alaska. Soon enough though. Soon, I will be a real teacher. Wish me luck!
This summer, I look forward to eating real meals again. Having full meals was hard when I was working, and I only had enough freezer meals prepped to last me about a month. Once February came along, we started eating cheater meals that were either very simple, or contained pre-made/boxed items. Even though I’m not the best cook, I look forward to eating at a decent hour and food that comes from the produce section of the grocery store.

This spring has been much colder than last spring. Last spring, I spent Mother’s Day planting, but this year, I think it’s too cold. That being said, I recently bought a whole bunch of flowers and clearance plants, and have lined one of my windowsills with them. I just needed some green and some color in what is otherwise a pretty brown view. So far, it’s doing the trick!
I’ve been wearing jeans every day, and it’s the best. For work, I had to dress professionally, but now it’s SUMMER and I am back in SAHM mode. Which means t-shirts and jeans, yaaaasssss.

I wish I could say that I’ve been reflecting on my student teaching, but my brain is still a little burnt out. The closest I’ve done is complete a scrapbook that I made for my host teacher, depicting our time together. (She liked it, btw.) Next week will be my first full week with the kids home, and my mother in law is here, so maybe I’ll get my brain back to where it was? Fingers crossed!