Sunday Lately / Weekly Recap
Sunday Lately is a weekly blog series hosted by social media group Blogger Tribe, that provides bloggers with prompts to write about. (Prompts will be in blue italics.) I love these little time capsules!
(PS: My pictures almost never go along with the prompts. I use these posts as a photo dump for my pictures I haven’t posted elsewhere.)

I feel like I’ve been redoing the cleaning in my house. Good golly, this place is never clean! My mom and sister came up for a visit for the first week of the kids’ winter break, and I got the house fairly clean. Like, the important stuff was clean. Bathrooms, the kitchen, living room, guest room… but then they left and I don’t know. I can’t keep up with it. Any of it. Today, I really cracked down on making the boys help me out and we got two out of the three bathrooms clean, as well as most of the playroom, and some of their bedroom. It’s a start.
In preparation for my going back to work/student teaching, I’ve been making food to put in the freezer for days that I don’t have time to cook up a full meal. I did this when I took two classes at once and it was the best. I just make a meal plan for the week, take what I want out of the freezer the night before and BAM, all my veggies and meats are already prepped when I get home. I just have to saute them or pop them in the oven and dinner is DONE, SON! I actually didn’t prep as much this time because Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to have to be slow cooker days, so I’ll just do those that morning or the night before.

This is probably a large contributor to the current state of my house, but I spent a lot of time this winter break choosing not to do many of my housewife duties. I was like “Hey, this is my last week before student teaching starts! I’m going to enjoy it.” And I did. I spent a bunch of time on the computer and I played with my kids. John took this past week off so we hung out as a family. It was pretty great.
I have been concentrating on my online class again. I took the first half of the school year off, since my online classes had finished and I wasn’t student teaching. However, with student teaching starting up, my online class has too. While it hasn’t been that long since I’ve been in a class, I feel like I have to work to get my brain into study mode. I’m only a few days in though. Maybe it will be like riding a bike.
I’ve been appreciating how funny my kids are. They crack me up all day long. From my eldest being confused at my reply of “Peter Parker” when he asked me what Spider-Man’s name was, (He expected me to say his name, since he was wearing a Spider-Man costume at the time, lol.) to my middle child’s default setting of “Silly Goose”, to my daughter turning into quite the little spitfire who isn’t afraid to tell you when she’s not happy…even if it’s about something ridiculous. Like how the diaper she’s trying to wear as a hat keeps falling off of her head. They keep me on my toes and I’m going to miss hanging out with them all day.

Housework is for the birds. Or for people who are clean. I always let my housework go first, before anything else. So you’re in good company at least. 🙂
That’s good to know! I want a blog series about “What my house really looks like.” You know, less “Pinterest Perfect” and more “At Least It’s Not Hoarders!”