Sunday Lately / Weekly Recap
Sunday Lately is a weekly blog series hosted by social media group Blogger Tribe, that provides bloggers with prompts to write about. (Prompts will be in blue italics.) I missed last week, but I’m back again to recap this week. I love these little time capsules!
(PS: My pictures almost never go along with the prompts. I use these posts as a photo dump for my pictures I haven’t posted elsewhere.)
This past week, I’ve been doing a lot of bloggy work, although you can’t see all of it here. I changed the layout, wrote some articles, caught up on email, sent out a few pitches, organized the hundreds of notecards and post-its littering my desk area with ideas, brainstormed blog post topics… work, work, work, but it feels great. If I can move things over from the old blog and write a couple of things from my list this week, then it will be a good week.
I haven’t been designing much outside of blogland, but I’ve been brainstorming different crafty posts and actually have a whole bunch of stuff planned for next December that I hope to work on all year. Is that weird? Do you guys plan that far in advance?
I am currently humming the “Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger” song because my kids watch it over and over and over and over and over on youtube. Ugh, that song. We now have a rule that it can only be played once per day. I don’t even understand the appeal, but they love it.
I’m expecting to get totally overwhelmed with all of the presents I have to wrap for Christmas. I really should just start wrapping now, when the kids are in school, but I’m afraid paper will get ripped or wrinkled when I put them back into hiding. SIGH. It’s going to be a long Christmas Eve
I’ve been appreciating my kids’ resilience. My daughter seems to be entering the terrible twos early, but she also seems to be entering it the same way as her brothers. That is to say, she bubbles up with emotion, lays down, rolls over, and is over it all. It’s not too bad!
My youngest son has some pronunciation issues, which makes it hard to understand him sometimes. It can be frustrating for everyone involved, but he is so patient and is always willing to try different ways to say what he means. Or, at the very least, show us what he means. I hope he always keeps that level of patience and resourcefulness to express how he feels.
And finally, my eldest. We went skiing on Thursday and despite everyone’s expectations, my normally athletic oldest child struggled a lot with skiing! He just couldn’t seem to keep his feet in the right position. Not going to lie, there were tears. And yelling, and threats to give up. But he didn’t! He kept trying and was going up the tow pull and down the hill with no/minimal falling by the end of the night. Go, go, go!
I’m a bit overwhelmed right now. We don’t have a ton of shopping left to do, but between work and Christmas stuff, I feel really behind the curve. Why does it always feel like it really stacks up this time of year?
Aubrey recently posted..Sunday Lately: Doing, Appreciating, Designing, Humming, Expecting
I think there is always so much EXTRA stuff going on, with parties and other festivities, as well as the gift-giving aspect of it, that it can be hard to fit everything into our already busy lives. I shop all year long, which helps. I have a bag and box that I stash clearance toys in as I find them!